
I have sorely neglected this blog. Life has gotten in the way.  We have been busy with school and everyday activities.  Then to make life a little more interesting we got really sick and were down for about two weeks.  My time with the Lord has been severely limited.  I have been doing a lot of short prayers on the run.  However, I haven’t gotten back into my daily Bible reading.  I am hoping to get back into the habit of doing that this week. 

I began something new with the boys about a month ago to help us each take time with the Lord each day.  I have given each of them a card with a Bible verse to memorize.  Each day they read that verse 3 times and then they read a passage from the Bible or Story Bible that I have chosen for them.  Once they have done their readig I send them off to a quiet place for prayer.  I am hoping this will create a good habit in them that will last them through adulthood.